
Poem by Mahmoud Darwish

The following poem is written by Mahmoud Darwish, a renowned Palestinian poet. Here is the arabic version with the translation translated version along with simple analysis: ملأى السنابل تنحني بتواضع  والفارغات رؤوسهن شوامخ _  أذا امتلأت كف اللئيم من الغنى  تمايل أعجابا وقال : أنا … أنا ._ ولكن كريم الأصل كالغصن كلما  تحمل أثمارا […]

Poem by Al-Mutanabbi

This Arabic poem delves into the theme of fate, resilience, and acceptance of life’s uncertainties. Let’s analyze it stanza by stanza: “ما كلُّ ما يتمنى المرءُ يدرِكُهُ تجري الرياحُ بما لا تشتهي السُّفُنُ.” Translation: “Not everything that a person desires is attainable, The winds blow in directions that ships do not desire.” In these opening […]

Exploring The World of Arabic Poetry

Arabic poetry, with its mesmerizing cadence and profound symbolism, has long captivated the hearts and minds of those who encounter it. Like a tapestry woven with threads of emotion and imagery, Arabic poetry offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Arab world, inviting readers on a journey through the sands of time. […]

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